The overflow is backing up again.
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#1: The overflow is backing up again. Author: dhc4everLocation: Ipswich, Queensland Australia PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:17 pm
This oxygen thief is in the far right greens party (kumby yar my lord kumby yar)
An apt description of this guy is a good aussie one.
He is a f***wit, feel free to apply this to any of your similar minded mouthpieces.

What he totally fails to grasp because its not on his agenda is the inconvenient fact that the crims doing street shootings in Sydney aren't licensed.

Would you guys please finalize your gun dramas, have a coup, revolution, whatever, the overflow over here is giving me a headache.

#2: Re: The overflow is backing up again. Author: VinceLocation: Brisbane AUSTRALIA PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:29 am
You are totally correct Pete...unfortunately it won't matter what happens in the USA...the Greens have their agenda and will not stray from it, regardless!!! If the Second Amendment stands firm and the ANTIs are shot down in flames (pun intended) then the Greens will simply take a stand of , "Look at the crime in America because of the firearms in the community"...and if the ANTIs (read Whammy Obammy) get up, then it will be a case of "The Americans have done it, so can we".

We are in a no win situation with the Greens...until election time, then we need a concerted effort to portray them NOT as anti-firearm, but as a problem for the average citizens of Australia and having an agenda that is supportive of moronic minority groups.

#3: Re: The overflow is backing up again. Author: SuzanneLocation: Eugene, Oregon PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:27 am
How do they define a good valid reason? Got a horse I need to put down? Would like to defend my family against the meanies? Just wondering how they can determine legitamacy. For instance if you want to rob somebody and need a gun to do it, can you just tell them there's too many rats in the shed and you want a hand gun to keep the population down? Maybe they would recommend a shottie instead? Wondering how that all works. Seems it could be worked around just by telling a good story. Do they follow-up and give you a little visit? Oh and now you want a second gun? Do you have to return the first gun and sort of trade for a new one? Isn't it silly.....terrified Greenies need gun training to get over their paranoia. I've seen plenty of women turn into bad-ass women when they learn to shoot, they just have to get over the paranoia, get their hands dirty, dive in and try it out. Otherwise they act like it's a bomb in their hands that could go off at any moment. Just like driving a car, it's all paranoia at first, then you get over it and then you're Steve McQueen. Greenies don't like cars either....maybe it's a matter of ignorance of the unknown. They probably are afraid of the dark too. Sounds like a good anti-Greenie motto, Greenies are afraid of the dark.

Last edited by Suzanne on Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:46 am; edited 1 time in total

#4: Re: The overflow is backing up again. Author: VinceLocation: Brisbane AUSTRALIA PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:33 am
A valid reason can be target shooting (requiring a particular calibre), hunting (at the moment), feral eradication by Primary Producers (farmers) or business purposes (Security, Armoured Car companies etc).

Self/Home defence is NOT a valid reason. If you need to put your horse down, then you need to call a Veterinary Surgeon (unless you have a licence for another "accepted" reason and don't live in an urban area).

#5: Re: The overflow is backing up again. Author: Ominivision1Location: Iowa PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:31 pm
Vince wrote:
Self/Home defence is NOT a valid reason.

wtf I can guarantee any of these politicians would be singing a different tune asap if their family was threatened with harm and their security could not get there in time. They are no better than us common people as they have to pull their pants up in the morning just like the rest of us guy's & gals.

#6: Re: The overflow is backing up again. Author: AloysiusLocation: B., Belgium PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:46 pm
dhc, in my opinion when your name is John then a good reason might be "married to a native American" Smile

In our country self defence is only a good reason when you're a VIP, a Very Important Pig.
The most acceptable reasons are:
sport and recreational shooter
or nature control (such as hunting, pest control, ...)

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