Huntingnut request
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#1: Huntingnut request Author: tlo7mmLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:51 am
So I am not sure if this is a subject that has been addressed already or not but as a member of another forum I have the luxury of enjoying live chat while visiting it. I have been thinking this would be a nice feature of Huntingnut for quite some time but never really brought it up. So i am curious if anyone else would like to see a chat room brought to Huntingnut? I think it would be a great way for our members to chat about everyday life and perhaps share gun, reloading and hunting in an on the spot situation.

#2: Re: Huntingnut request Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:35 am
sometimes pm works but only if other is wouldnt work for me as Im often here while you lot are tucked up in beddybys lol

#3: Re: Huntingnut request Author: BushmasterLocation: Ava, Missouri PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:30 am
Isn't that what we are doing already without a chat room?

#4: Re: Huntingnut request Author: DallanCLocation: Utah PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:18 am
Every site I've seen a chat put up, causes the forum posts to dwindle. People start posting in chat more and forums less. Then it becomes frustrating in that if someone comes online and misses the start of a chat on some topic they are interested in.

Another forum I visit just put up a chat and forum traffic dropped to 10% of normal and the owner cant understand why. I'm hesitant to put one up on that basis (but not totally opposed).


#5: Re: Huntingnut request Author: BushmasterLocation: Ava, Missouri PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:32 am
You have one of the finest sites on the net. I have seen no problem with people getting a timely response. Every time I go on line I look forward to seeing what's going on with the huntingnut.

I probably wouldn't use the chat room anyway.

#6: Re: Huntingnut request Author: MacDLocation: Canada PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:10 pm
I have always declined Tapchat requests from other sites I frequent. I prefer the convenience of following threads at my leisure. I tend to look at this the HN's site in the morning over coffee or just before I sack out. Besides I can hardly understand Elvis's written English. Imagine actually having it with a Kiwi accent :-p

#7: Re: Huntingnut request Author: BushmasterLocation: Ava, Missouri PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:14 pm

#8: Re: Huntingnut request Author: DallanCLocation: Utah PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:34 pm

On a serious note, you guys wouldn't BELIEVE how often we get hit from Google searches for various information. Topics on reloading, guns and even hunting... HuntingNut comes up near the top very frequently. Also, looking over the referrers log... the number of people that visit here via links on other websites is amazing. I can clear out the log (holds 1000 entries) and it is full within a day or two.

Sadly most of those don't create an account or participate.


#9: Re: Huntingnut request Author: BushmasterLocation: Ava, Missouri PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:43 pm
But they are looking.

#10: Re: Huntingnut request Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:20 pm
MacD....... Sad Sad
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

#11: Re: Huntingnut request Author: VinceLocation: Brisbane AUSTRALIA PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:52 pm
This subject has come up before and from memory it was put on the back burner for all the reasons raised.

I'm with Elvis and Bushy...we are pretty much chatting without talking anyway, and as Mac says, there is the convenience if following a thread at your leisure. Also, given the geographic spread over several timezones, even in the US, it would be counter productive.

#12: Re: Huntingnut request Author: gelandanganLocation: Sydney Australia PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:11 pm
I rather communicate by SMS or email than phone call.
They give me much leisure time to reply.
Many forums I visit have chat room, but truly, I almost never participate,

#13: Re: Huntingnut request Author: SuzanneLocation: Eugene, Oregon PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:34 pm
I've been on forums with chat and just like was said earlier things get muddled up and you can't follow a thread unless you're included in the chat. They chat then they go back to the written forum and take up where they left off and anyone trying to follow along gets left behind. I like the way this forum flows and it's sad we don't have more participants, but this is the only forum I know that has the frequency of visitors who do participate. You don't have to wait 2 weeks for a reply. I'm on another forum that actually e-mails you when you get a reply and otherwise you tend to forget it's there. They've just started e-mailing the most recent posts to us and over a course of weeks there's still some of the same posts on there. I guess they're trying for more participation but they're making the lazy people happy instead.

I think the people come back here because of the frequency of posts and the quick replys, I know clean language/morals is top of the list too, so many forums are just haywire with anything-goes attitudes and I know better than you and it's just not friendly to be there, you can't count on any integrity or honesty and you can't feel safe around people like that. The people around here are self policing (to an extent) and I wouldn't be hesitant to trust their values and integrity.


#14: Re: Huntingnut request Author: AzarLocation: Utah PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:15 pm
I can see the benefits of having a chat room. Real time discussion, banter, BS'ing, etc. But like what's been brought up before, there is a pretty decent geographical dispersion of peoples here. We have our friends down under and in Europe who would be having discussions while we sleep and vice versa.

But mostly, the thing I don't like about chat rooms is there is usually no permanence to the discussions. If you are not there when two members are discussing the virtues of the .223 Remgington vs. the .22-250 or .220 swift you don't get to read up on it later. The conversation is passed and there is no thread discussing it. You can easily miss information or discussion that may have interested you.

Like most others, I like to pick and choose the threads that interest me and read them at my leisure. I'm not opposed to a chat room per se, but wouldn't want it here if it ruined participation in the message boards. And from what Dallan has experienced, it can and often does do just that.

#15: Re: Huntingnut request Author: chambered221Location: Lost for good !!! PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:37 pm
wtf I'm all for it.......I just want to hear Suzie's voice, hopefully she'll be yelling at me for something !!! Shocked

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