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Where I have been -----
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:16 am    Post subject: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Sorry I haven't been on much lately but I have a moment to update you all on what has been going on with me.
First, Dallan I am glad you got your problem fixed before it got bad enough to take over your life!
I have been fighting to get my doctor to check out some issues I have been having but she finally conceded to send me for some tests.
I got a new MRI of my neck - inconclusive but was reffered to a neurologist for surgery. After a consultation (and blowing up at him because he was not paying attention) he decided that before he cut me open he should get some better info. I had a nerve block to diagnose problems with my upper neck and a mylogram with contrast dye to get a better look at the area that is giving me some strange symptoms.
1. weakness in my right hand.
2. numbing of my thumb and first two fingers.
3. shortness of breath in certain positions.
4. erratic blood pressure that is higher than it should be historically (for me)

It didn't show much so I was sent in for some blood work-up - all came back good, a chest x-ray and a nuclear strees test for my heart.
The X-ray showed that the right side of my diaphragm is paralized - my right lung does not inflate due to nerve damage from my accident 6 years ago. The stress test came out fine no blockages so I am scheduled for a kidney arterial scan next wednesday and surgery on the following Thursday to clear the obstruction at the nerve root causing all my problems.
I am under doctors orders to take it easy (enforced by the love of my wife) so I am getting lots of rest for the time being.
So, now you guys are all caught up and I am off to bed. I will be back when I can so keep an image of me dancing and running in your heads for me.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:41 am    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Good luck to you Paul.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:45 am    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote doubt about it Paul...the older we get, the better we used to be.

Hang in there mate...we need your steadying influence in here...who else will be able to keep some of us buggers under control.

Seriously though mate, take it easy, do what the Dr says and get better got far too much life and shooting time left in you mate.

Cheers, Vince

Cheers, Vince Cheers

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:55 am    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

take care of yourself Im sure the big fella upstairs aint ready for ya yet.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:00 am    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Paulie I've got fingers and toes crossed for you (the toes part is envisioned only) I hope the surgery goes well and clears up the problems. Prayers will arrive shortly, the earlier the better, and I have a good luck turtle I'm going to give a talkin to also. We'll be thinkin of ya


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Paul, hang in there and get things fixed so you can heal up!


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Paul, in this day and age, almost everything can be cured or suppressed.

Hang in there mate, you'll be well soon.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:27 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Very Happy Paul-I'm not a doctor-don't even like them,but I had an accident that left my right arm and hand with the same symptoms that you describe.The doc's tracked it down to a ruptured disc at c5-c6.After 9 mos of procrastinating I had it operated on back in 93'.I could have danced out of the hospital on release. Since then-two more bulged (not ruptured)discs from 2 auto accidents,torn rotor cuff on right shoulder(from work related injury)and not gettin any younger!But.........I can still pop-a-top and have enough strength to lift a 16 ouncer-so all is not bad. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:09 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. I am actually looking forward to getting some relief and ultimately to being back to being able to do everything.
Right now I can still shoot the 22s - rimfires - but not much more. I can't even work on my cars - that really sucks! I have so much that I want/need to do just to be me. This trip has been a real learning experience for me. I found that my wife will do anything to protect me from overdoing and that she loves me as much as I do her. I found a lot of people care about me that I thought just cared about what I could do for them. I like helping others - and I find it difficult to let others do for me. I have discovered that it is just as ok to accept help as it is to give, but it is harder to accept.
I think it is more than humility... accepting help means you have to accept that you need others to help with things you love to do. It is great to share things but it is hard to watch others doing for you. Ok, it is a big lesson for me - and I am working through it all.
I am very lucky! I see me getting better but I will remember how hard it is to sit on the sidelines. You guys are great- letting me open up and just be..... human, vulnerable, and still strong.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:06 am    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Paul...that is the beauty of the people on this site. They don't judge or discriminate. You are one of us, part of the Hunting Nut family, and as such can expect nothing less than to be treated as an equal.

You hang in there mate...time heals most wounds and be careful of your neck real second chances with that bugger.

Cheers, Vince

Cheers, Vince Cheers

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Well, the operation must have gone ok - but I won't be seeing the neurologist until my recuperation is over in six weeks. No driving or turning or twisting my head and neck. No lifting or any5hing else - for six weeks!
Honestly I have had more pain and symptoms since the operation than before so something must have changed. I take meds when I have to but not as often as prescribed.
So, I am bored to stupidity - can't reload and I only get a few minutes at the computer each day.
I will try to keep you all updated as things progress.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:06 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Hang in there Paul and heal up soon! We'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:29 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

PaulS wrote:
Well, the operation must have gone ok - but I won't be seeing the neurologist until my recuperation is over in six weeks. No driving or turning or twisting my head and neck. No lifting or any5hing else - for six weeks!
Honestly I have had more pain and symptoms since the operation than before so something must have changed. I take meds when I have to but not as often as prescribed.
So, I am bored to stupidity - can't reload and I only get a few minutes at the computer each day.
I will try to keep you all updated as things progress.

AH The old "I felt OK until they cured me" routine.
I am well aware of this after the last 18 months.
I'm on the back end of chemo and radiation and just to shake things up a bit a shoulder reconstruction.
I know how bored you are.
What to do? Focus on the long term outcome, ie being back to healthy, do not do anything stupid out of boredom (yes that engine will still be there in 8 weeks, it will wait). Do whatever recovery exercizes they've given you if any. Be prepare for the time blowout in the recovery, 6 weeks is only for the initial healing, it will be several MONTHS before you regain full strength and mobility.
Frustrating but unavoidable.
Things will improve noticably every day, but not at the rate you expect or wish, thats life after surgery for the middle aged and in the past generally fit and healthy people.
Yep you can only read so many books and watch so many DVD's.
The most dangerous trap is online shopping,(ask me how my reloading bench looks now) its probably a good thing you dont get long on the computer.
Feel free to jump on here bitch,moan ,rant as necessary, yelling at the news on TV is a sign of improvement (throwing stuff at it isnt apparently).
Stay positive, smile (grimincing doesnt count here), get your mates over for coffee and or beer. Plan a holiday or a cruise and make sure you go on it when you've recovered (that worked well for me, also goes down really well with the wife).
Remember short term pain, Long term gain.
Get healthy.



Dont do anything you wont like explaining to the paramedics..............
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Pete could not have put it any better Paul...took the words right out of my mouth mate.

Take it easy and rest up...time heals all mate, and once healed you will be back out there decimating the deer population...why...'cause you will be able to mate.

Cheers, Vince

Cheers, Vince Cheers

Illegitimi non carborundum
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:35 pm    Post subject: Re: Where I have been ----- Reply with quote

Paul, I'm Dan, new to the forum, but I can definitely sympathize with you. Ive have over 10 spinal surgeries and nerve damage after an accident. That was back in the mid 90s, and Ive lived with the after effects every day now. I know how hard it is , and I also know how hard it is on those around you. Cudos to your wife for sticking it out. its a tough job for the spouse, and Im sure you know how hard it is to be a nice guy when your in a lot of pain and fear of what the future will bring.

Take care, and do things you like to do. One good way I found to redirect the pain is to get involved in something you like. Go reload if you can, or read on guns, clean them, playing video games, whatever it is, keep you mind busy. Cause as my neurologist always says, " Its all in your head" and its true. Without your brain to process the nerve impulses, you wouldn't even know you had a problem. Focused distraction works great for me. I call it, Zoning out. And please dont think Im telling you what to do, Im not. These are things that work for me, and hey, it might be worth a shot for you too. whatever you do, Dont give up, and take care of yourself, and remember to thank your wife for being there for you.


by the way, in case anyone has wondered why I might post at 1am, 5 am, noon, or 7pm , its because I dont get much sleep anymore due to my little problems. Might get an hour or two of solid sleep in 24 hours, somedays as much as 4 hours. Its not fun, but you learn to live with it.
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