gelandangan wrote: |
I heard somewhere that cyanoacrylate (superglue) were used to "stitch wound.
would it be a better method than needle and thread?
also, would an epipen for anaphylaxis reaction to toxins or allergens be useful in the kit?
Gelan |
Gidday Gelan, fellow compartriate.
I know that they use a glue of some sort to "fix" cuts etc on kids, but whether or not it is cyanoacrylate I don't know. But still, thats a pretty good idea. I know it sticks skin to skin pretty bloody good !!
As for carrying a EpiPen®....unless you personally have a need for this ie, you have an allergy that will bring on anaphalaxis shock, you shouldn't really have one. I would be EXTREMELY wary of administering anything to someone that I didn't know for sure had been diagnosed by a Dr and was carrying their own fact I wouldn't do it....too dangerous. I would be content to maintain their vitals until professional medical assistance arrived.
Anyway, we are getting way off topic here. Maybe this is something we could open in a new thread to see what everyone else does.
Cheers, Vince