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Had some fun yesterday
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:48 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

And some wonder why no-one wants to get involved !!!

Ask as many people needed, sooner or later your question will be answered the way you want it answered !!!

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.
~George Washington
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

I've met Les in person and he is a good guy. The idea that someone with Les' limited mobility would provoke a fight is preposterous, but I'm sure some scumbag lawyer would try to propose it. Years ago I was involved in some incidents that showed me that our "legal system" has seriously failed but I still think that it is up to us to keep trying to make it work.


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:55 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

WOW! Hope all is still well with you Les. keep yer gun close at hand friend.

The human mind is the weapon, the gun is just one of its tools.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:46 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

It sounds as if that was a scary encounter. From the yelps that go up about "profiling" in the media, it sounds as if your PD is deeply committed to the "If'n he ain't one of us'ns, he are wrong!" mindset.

In Great Britain, I hear that if you have the unmitigated gall to defend yourself against an attacker, YOU are automatically the goat!

In our legal climate, there is always some starving, chickenthief attorney that will try to make a ca$e.

1. Your homeowner's insurance may be of some help. I was a claims adjuster for more than 35 years, so I know what will happen.

If you get a GOOD adjuster, he/she will help you get what you legally can, under the policy. BUT! A significant percentage of adjuster/adjusterettes are real jerks.

I was not, although there may be some few who might wish to debate that question. People just hate to be told "NO". Very Happy

Be prepared for:

a. Having your insurance cancelled once the suit is resolved, or before. Change companies before it goes too far, so you can honestly say that you have not been cancelled. The original company has an obligation to see the thing through, even if you are no longer insured by them.

b. Insurance companies, being one of the most balless entities in existence, right next to school districts and colleges, will probably "make a business decision", and settle with the scumbag, just to cut costs, taking into consideration that attorneys are typically lousy negotiators, plus the fact that they may get 'hometowned" by a peckerwood jury and biased judge.

Happened to me once, to the tune of $450,000.

I am not an attorney, but it seems to me a counter lawsuit against the criminal, or persons filing, claiming even very thin (you were in fear of losing your life, and as a result, are so nervous and upset by the hapening, and are suffering real distress.) or, they KNEW he was a danger to innocent people, and did not do all in their power to protect society from him.

Of course, it will cost some $$, but might accomplish a couple of things:

First, the criminal's defense attorney cannot handle both suits...iirc, it will be a conflict of interest,(of course, that doesn't matter to most lawyers) and most important, they will actually have to PAY another attorney. Shocked Possibly a deterrent.

But, Good Luck, and do watch your back.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

lesterg3 wrote:
Hey Guys,
The DA called last night to advise the trial will be end of April and asked if he needed to subpoena me to be there.
I won't back down. But, I am worried. Pray

DA's ask this question when someone is employed and their employer requires a subpoena in order for the time off to be approved and paid. DA's throw out interesting questions to witnesses to see if they can find any of their 'hot buttons' before it comes up in court. A DA can not coach you for the trial but he can do his best to be prepared for what his witness will say and how easily his temper is fired off. Another tip, when answering any question asked turn your head to the jury and answer the question to them, not the lawyers. Your eye contact with the jury shows them that you are not being deceitful in your answers. Do not get into a rush to answer a question either, there is not time limit for you to think about the truthful answer. That way you frustrate the defense lawyer not the other way around.

Others made the good point that your stock answer to the question "Were you afraid?" is "Yes, very afraid". It has nothing to do with courage. If you were a coward you would not have acted as you did. You acted courageously and reasonably so in applying your rights to defend yourself and there is nothing wrong with saying you were afraid.

Don't get wrapped up in the what if's. Just testify to what happened and let the chips fall where they may. Think back a few days and ask yourself if Justice was already served even if he might get a 'walk' decision.

From what you have said the Sheriff's office is very familiar with him and if he has a record the DA can present that in the sentencing phase of the trial. From your description of him it sounds like he needs a long stay at the funny farm.

Don't get wrapped up in the race card either. You have no record of racism. Your post to that regard is not necessary and would make interesting reading for the jury if the subject is brought up. A juror would ask himself "why would he say that if it was not so?" What kind of tree was that you referred to? Best thing is to stop talking about the case until the trial is over then we can all have a beer and celebrate. At least you guys can have a beer. My Doctor took me off the good stuff because I'm taking blood thinners. Sad Sad

As for the shave and haircut....just look and dress sharp. A suit or sport coat and tie with slacks and shined shoes is appropriate court dress. It takes a long time to regrow a beard and this guy is not worth shaving it off. Very Happy Hey, your avatar is better looking than mine! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Laughing

Safe shooting,
Chris Young, aka: popgun, Moderator
I don't know everything but I have made most of the mistakes already and lived through many of them.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:52 am    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote


There was another strange occurrence that happened just the other night and I posted it on THR, and I was going to post it here too, but things have been happening too quick for this ole dog.

THR posting:
This is a little strange, but since I have been attacked twice in less than a year I try harder to be more aware of what's going on around me. I thought that I aways was, but since I have started walking with assistance it seems that I have become a more appetizing target.

However, this event has nothing to do with how I get around.

Last night at 9:30 (something) I saw the lights of a car pull into my driveway. We don't have any friends or family that would not call first to announce that they are coming over, my friends and family just know better than to come unannounced.

So, anyway the lights alerted me, and I looked out a window and saw a car stopped in the open gate to my backyard. I am not a nervous nelly but, I didn't like it, and grabbed my 40 S&W out of the drawer on the way to the back yard.

The back porch light is on a sensor so it was already on when I stepped out, and I was holding the gun in my right hand against my chest so the gun was plainly visible against my left shoulder.

What I saw were two rather rough looking guys already out of the even rougher looking vehicle approaching the back door. The driver took one look at me and said loudly, "Hey, he's got a gun, he's got a gun", am not sure how many times he said it because the other guy was trying to explain why they had pulled into my drive way. "We were having car trouble and didn't want to block the road", or something to that effect.

Then he said they only wanted to use my phone to call for help, but as he was saying this he was already backing away.

At this point the hair on the back of my neck was bristling, there is very little traffic on that road and pulling to the side would have been in my mind a much more logical thing to do.

Anyway, I told them to stay were they were, and that I would call for a wrecker, and for police assistance. The non-driver said no thanks, as they both rushed back to the car got in, and amazingly it started right up and they were gone.

No front plates, and no other way I could ID the car, just a whitish junk bucket, most likely because my attention was fully focused on the two guys. So I did not call the cops.

But, down deep I sure am glad I had that big ole shiny 40 in plain view.

So today I had an early lunch with the Chief of Police (this was planned before the event on the weekend), and he is convinced this was directly related to the assault case already stated above. Further he thinks he knows the guys, and that they hang around with the guy that assaulted me.

And, even funnier, the guy who is still out on bail decided Monday to change his plea from not guilty, to no contest. I understand that this means he will not fight, but is also not confirming guilt.

The Chief tells me the DA is working out the sentence, but it should be about 90 days in the local jail, and some sort of fine, that by the way I do not get, bummer.

So it looks like this is the end of that event, happily so, I hate people walking around my place at all hours of the day and night. Makes me a bit edgy. The ole index finger feels much better against cold steel.

I also heard today that unemployment here is 26%, and the Chief is expecting a pretty bad summer.

Oh boy, I'm really looking forward to that. This is certainly not the idyllic little town it appears to be! Very Happy

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. "--Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. -- Thomas Jefferson

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."--James Madison

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:01 am    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

Les, all I can say is keep on your toes. Unfortunately scum like you've run in to are rarely punished enought o make them rethink their paths.


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:32 am    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

Well Les...seems that you may have attracted the attention of a couple of the local n'er-do-wells.

Hang in there buddy, watch your arcs at all times, and always look for and identify an escape route where possible.

Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself...we know that your will...but I am not sure that I would "advertise" your CCW unless it is extremely necessary. Having said that mate...better to be tried by a jury of 12 peers, than carried by 6.

That plan to build out of town and settle in the quiet of the bush sounds like a very attractive idea...with a couple of BIG mean dogs mate.

Keep us informed mate...I'll await the next "O" Group.

Cheers, Vince

Cheers, Vince Cheers

Illegitimi non carborundum
(Never let the bastards grind you down)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:49 am    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

The other day my wife and I got into a bit of a spat over me carrying all the time because it scares her. I even have one of them on me around the house. I finally told her that I'm going to carry anyway because you never know when, where, who or how an attack will come and it's better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared. Like your situation in the parking lot, I tried to tell her that anybody can be attacked at any time. Even when just stopping at the store for a gallon of milk or getting gas, you just never know. All I can say to you Lester, and everybody else here, is good job, be safe. Never let your guard down. Be always vigilant and totaly aware of you surroundings. Again, good Job Lester.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:46 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

Sorry you had some trouble les I've been missing you on the guns and reloading forums I thought you were just busy. I found this thread tonight by mistake but am glad I did . My words probably won't do much for you but I mean well. I hope your friends and family are taking care of you. But it sounds like you're doing an alright job on your own. Hope we can encourage you from afar. I read over the other posts and there is some sage council here. I didn't see a post from bushy and since he's practically a neighbour I let him know so he can read and provide some moral support too.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

One can't even sit on the side lines and watch a good movie these days. I have been sidiously watching and reading the turn of events unraveling here. Then fnuser sends me a PM and now I am force to interject my thoughts...

Need any ammunition? I have plenty.... Popcorn

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
LIBERTY A well armed sheep contesting the outcome of the vote...

Last edited by Bushmaster on Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:35 am    Post subject: Re: Had some fun yesterday Reply with quote

Hey Guy's,

Thanks for all your support and advice.

It's been a few days now and all the activity around the house seems to have miraculously disappeared, but then the LEO's are running by every few hours. While I am cordial with the Chief of Police, I think the rest of the complaining neighbors finally made the Police do something about all the foot traffic.

All of my neighbors knew what was going on and gave me a great deal of support, thankfully.

So, we'll just stay on high alert for a while longer.

Hopefully, Mizz Dee will retire in three years and we can get moved out to the property.

I have installed a few extra motion lights, if anyone walks down the side walk lights come on, and if you get in my backyard the whole place lights up.

Bushy, thanks for the ammo offer, but I have plenty.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. "--Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. -- Thomas Jefferson

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."--James Madison

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.

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