Just back from the annual Varmint Hunters Association 3C's hunt in Millen, GA where we had a very successful hunt this year. The hunters took 4 coyotes and if I had done my part when the coyote came in to my call It would have been 5 but oh well! A young lady of 16 killed her first coyote with a 17 Rem that another VHA member and gunsmith gave her as a first gun gift. She took the coyote at 200 yards. A very impressive shot with a 17 Rem and a new young shooter.
As for me I shot in the night match where we were shooting at a moving coyote target illuminated with a hand held spotlight. We had 15 seconds to fire 5 rounds at the target. I made it to the 4th round of sudden death shoot off where I and two other shooters missed the one shot at the target where we had to hit a 1 inch spot on the target to continue. It was the first time I tried anything like that and I managed to make it to the final 5 out of 50 shooters. You don't have to win to enjoy making it that far in that type of match. I used a Savage 93R17 17 HMR in the match at the moving target at 100 yards and I was impressed with the accuracy of the little rifle and round.
The next day was the day match and I didn't do so well using my Winchester Model 70 Varminter in 22-250 but we had a great turn out of shooters. No win but I held my own and had a ball shooting in the match.
The youngsters had a match of their own shooting at varmint targets starting close and ending at 100 yards. The young man that won took home a new Savage 22 LR for his good shooting.
Of course the food was it's usual best. One night we had a bar-b-q'ed hog and another night we had stuffed pork loin. We always manage to eat good at the 3C's hunt to include all the fixins' and sweets that the ladies bring to the feast.
I recommend any of the VHA matches and hunts. All are run safely and fun is the primary purpose of the events. Of course you have the opportunity to take home the goodies if you win.