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I really hate summer re-runs
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:48 pm    Post subject: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

An now Obama is doin summer re-runs. When does he get to the new episode? Did you guys do-the-stupid and watch his speach tonight?
He starts it off by telling us about how we arrived at the decades old debt (been there done that) who's the blame is the real issue and must be established first. The money was spent on trillions of dollars of new tax cuts. I love that idea. They cut my taxes.....which makes me the culprit...but it cost the government trillions to do it....where do they get their money? So anyway they spend money they don't have I they go into debt....I have more money to spend, which builds the economy but that's a government snafu.

Anyway there was less money coming in so it required the government to spend more. I do that all the time myself. My job is cyclical and so is the income, but when the money gets the shortest, it encourages me to spend more. The less money I have, the more I spend, it just works that way. When I'm down to nuthin, I probably need to buy a new car. Really..... need to.

Well there's a need for a bi-partisan plan. We have a plan, and the Speaker of the House and the President have agreed on a plan. The only reason it hasn't passed is because a majority of Republicans don't wanna include the wealthiest of Americans. You know the people that employ us all. They don't wanna include any tax cuts to the private jet crowd, which would only increase the burden on the lesser class on services that we really care about.

How can we ask a student to pay more taxes before we ask a hedge fund manager, or corporate jet owner that pays a lower rate than their secretaries. (He's famous for that line) We need to be able to pay for the important services like education and cleaner energy. I think he's right on that one....we need an education, so that we don't make the same mistake twice at the voting booth. Cleaner energy could come in the form of not sending it all over the world before buying it back. We could actually process our own energy! What a thought!

SSSSooooo he says 98% of Americans (who make under $200,000) would see no increase in taxes at all. We don't have to worry about them, they're only 2% of Americans anyway. (The ones that we work for) He quotes Ronald Reagan about taxing the rich more, to get on our good side.

Really the kicker is, it's all tied to the debt ceiling, he states it's a term that those outside of Washington know little about. (Oh yeah we need more education dollars) It's the most dangerous thing about the debates. Raising the debt ceiling doesn't mean we're allowing Congress to spend more money. It means that Congress is allowed to pay off the debt we've already racked up. Republicans won't allow a higher debt ceiling, without an agreement of deep spending cuts. If that happens we would not have enough money to pay all of our bills. You know the routine, social security checks, veterans health care and government contracts with thousands of small businesses welfare socialists crap like stuff. The default would be caused almost entirely by government.

Moody's is going to give a credit downgrade? Since when is Moody's in bed with the Feds? It's like Obama has Moody's as a backup plan in his scare tactics. Nothing like adding some pressure to make a deal. Obama has some real tax hikes in mind (he calls it revenue), but he's vague on the spending plan. Ya, we'll do that down the road a bit, we need some time to get a comprehensive bi-partisan plan established (which means it'll never get done).

Obama called for tax cuts, which he got then he changed his mind and wants billions more in tax hikes! We're supposed to blame the Gang of Six on that one.

I can't go on....write your Congress a note (impeachment would suffice)


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:13 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

A bundle of worms to be sure, good luck you guys n gals keep your head down and your powder dry it will sort it self out one way or the other sooner or later.

You shot it You pluck it !
Them who eats the most duck eats the most feathers!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:15 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

Here ya go Suz...let me really make your day mate. Sit down with three (3) fingers of fine bourbon and watch this...


Cheers, Vince

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:36 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

May I suggest to give Suz the 3 fingers and keep the Bourbon yourself? Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:54 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Hiding Embarassed

You shot it You pluck it !
Them who eats the most duck eats the most feathers!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:01 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:19 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

I watched your video Vinnie and couldn't watch it entirely...especially after he started talkin money, as in income these people are getting. It's more than my projected retirement...yeah it's a sore on the face of the earth.

Aloyisissy thinks I need to get the finger? Must be something in the translation....that's not a very friendly suggestion my friend. You've been eating too many of those dog sized deer.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:23 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

I was convinced you didn't like bourbon...

and for my 'dog-sized-deer': now the best time in the year to hunt roebucks is starting... don't you feel the heat? Smile Now you can whistle them, do you know the german word "Blattjagd" ?
I'm not going to explain too much about this type of hunting, next time I start "feeping" maybe somekind of Suz jumps to my high-seat Smile

by the way, Vince was talking about 3 fingers, not 1 and he sure didn't point out which fingers...
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:22 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

Good reading Suz. Yah know NASA is seeking volunteers for that one way trip to Mars, I'll be the first to nominate every single one on capital hill. Smile


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:13 pm    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

Ok Aloyis you're off the hook this time, I was in a funk. HERE'S a movie for you.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:28 pm    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

God I love this woman.

Hi Suz! Wave
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:49 pm    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

Suz, thanks for that one. Klaus Demmel often gives courses, also in Belgium.
But to be honnest, I have some problems about how they shoot on that movie. During mating-season a roebuck is somewhat harder than normal and one never can predict his reactions, but on these distances and the buck still running so far... or he's a lousy shot or he's a very good shooter and want to train his young german Teckle, but on both occasions I think it's not a good example to show. Distance is 35 m, that's about 40 yards... my friend shoots rabbits in the head with an airgun at twice this distance.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:51 pm    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

That's some hold!

Hi Alo-buddy!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:04 pm    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

Howdy Hi Stovie!!

Here's what happened today, and like they say in Disneyland, please enjoy all the rides!

Meanwhile, public head-butting between Democratic President Barack Obama and the Republicans showed no sign of easing. The White House declared Obama would veto the Boehner bill, even if it somehow got through the House and the Democratic-controlled Senate.

That's the compromise attitude he's established!!

For all that, it was the tea party-backed members of Boehner's own party who continued to vex him and heavily influence the debt and deficit negotiating terms — not to mention his chances of holding on to the speakership.

Tea Party WTF!!! Here's a guy that's going balls to the wall, making Obama wriggle like a worm and beg disabled vets, elderly medicare recipients, and all other forms of government handout recipients to write their congress and plead for him, and you want him to back down?!?!

Obama strongly opposes Boehner's plan, which requires to provide an immediate debt ceiling increase and would also require further action before the 2012 elections, arguing that it would reopen the delicate and crucial debt discussions to unending political pressure during next year's campaigns. OOOOoooohhhhh really? Too much pressure?? Sounds political....maybe someone needs to remind him of the default thingy he's always talkin about....must be smokin again....that other smoke stuff.

The president supports a separate bill, pushed by Majority Leader Harry Reid in the Democratic-controlled Senate, that would raise the debt ceiling enough to tide the government over through next year — and the elections. Funny cause I thought the plan was to quit kickin the can down the road and do some serious long term planning. I must need a hearing aid....gettin this stuff all mixed up.

The White House spoke with veterans groups about what might happen to vets' benefits if a deal isn't reached. Obama has said he can't guarantee Social Security checks and payments to veterans and the disabled would go out on schedule. Crappy re-runs are gettin in the way again. His practice of intimidation is getting annoying and if he continues the same rant and continues to slouch maybe it'll be his demise.

Freshman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., bristles at the notion that tea party-influenced newcomers are sheep-like ideologues willing to risk default. "We're not a bunch of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Neanderthals," Gowdy said. "We're interested in answering what we perceive to be the mandate, which is to stop the spending and change the way Washington handles money."

Gowdy said he was leaning against Boehner's proposal, but at least he gets the idea.

The way this is going, it's all political posturing. Both sides are doin it and both sides are losing the battle. I just hope he squirms and can't sleep and caves. Then Mrs. Bo can get her fat arse off-o-my taterchips.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:06 am    Post subject: Re: I really hate summer re-runs Reply with quote

In my opinion it's about time the Indians take over...
Suz, you would do great I'm sure.

as for me: politics only interests me so far that I can blame them for everything that goes wrong. And by defintion they're supposed to have elephant-skin, so they are never hurt (as long as they can open the money-valve and fill their pockets)
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