To stop smking
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#16: Re: To stop smking Author: hunterjoe21Location: Miles City, Montana PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:41 pm
popgun wrote:

If you really wanted to quit you would throw away all that you have left rather than cry another excuse that you will quit when the 2 are gone. What bunk! Wad them up tight and throw them in the trash! Just Quit and live.


Not entirely "bunk". I quit April 01, 2003. I quit with 1 left. I figured that all I had to do was NOT smoke that last one. It helped me, and to this day, I still go back to NOT smoking that "one" when I get the urge. Just what worked for me....


Good for you deciding to quit...

Good Luck...

#17: Re: To stop smking Author: popgunLocation: Mitchell, GA, U.S.A. (2007 pop. 191) PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:07 am
I threw out the remaining pack AND the remaining carton. 1, 2 a pack or carton is a crutch. Forget the crutches and step up to the real challenge. Put them down and live.

There is no flexibility in quiting.

Lets let the mouse out of the breadbox. I have cancer and will soon check out. The cancer I have is a version of colon cancer and has nothing to do with smoking.

I quit smoking in 1980 plus or minus a few days and I look at it this way. By stopping smoking I gave myself another 28 years to live and not die from lung cancer. By the way I have enjoyed every minute of those 28 years and damn happy that I had the guts to stop and be blessed with those extra years.

Stop playing with the loaded gun guys, cancer will kill ya! I am not the only one who has lost friends to lung cancer. Take a Tally of your friends and see how many people that are close to you died from smoking related cancers, lung and heart disease. The facts and the grim reaper are there looking you square in the eye.

Just quit!

#18: Re: To stop smking Author: SwampFoxLocation: Destin, Florida PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:18 am
Cold Turkey, with a pack in your pocket and a pack on the table next to your chair. No excuses, no crutch, just pure will power, that is the secret to being truly done with the weed. Then you stop one at a time.... one cig, one day, one week, etc. With a 5 pack a day habit I quit CT in 1967.

Two years ago my hunting buddy died from small cell bronchial carcinoma, a form of cancer that is 100% attributed to smoking. He had quit and started back. Two years after starting back smoking he was dead. Untreated they say this form of cancer drops you in 30 days. He was 44 with four kids and a 39-year-old wife.
Keep at it.

Chris, Sorry to hear about the colon cancer.
All the Best,

#19: Re: To stop smking Author: Dimitri PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:47 pm
popgun wrote:
I have cancer and will soon check out.

Sorry to hear that Popgun. Sad


#20: Re: To stop smking Author: hunterjoe21Location: Miles City, Montana PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:47 pm

Sorry to learn of your cancer. Our prayers are with you...

#21: Re: To stop smking Author: jbird22calLocation: Baraboo, WI PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:01 pm
A week after the day.

Well… No cigarettes. I have not had any cigarettes for the last week. There's one left, sitting there on top of the refrigerator haunting me. I just find it as disgusting as that ex-friend or love interest that you just can't figure out why on earth you had anything to do with them. You know what I mean.

I find myself missing the act of smoking, I have smoked for ten years and that's a long time to be intimate with something that is bad for you. I truly enjoyed smoking; I find I actually incorporated it into how I communicate with other people. Hmmm.

I will not fail, there are to many people counting on me not to, even if there isn't, I'll pretend.

This whole thing would be easier if one would have something to fill that void, and in this day and age something that intimate, enjoyable, routine, and even lovable (yes that's right) is near impossible to replace. That is a whole different post though, one that should be left for a differant site than this.

The medication did its part. It gave me the "interesting" dreams and caused me to lose sleep but didn't do much as far as depression or suicidal thoughts. I don't think I need to keep taking it but will contact my doctor before stopping.

The first day of not smoking was the worst day I have ever had, both mentally and physically. Something about laying on the floor with tears in your eyes and such a sharp pain in your chest that you feel like you: just lost the person most dear to you, have been severly startled, and feel like your going to be ill all at the same time. All that just makes you not even want to get close to that again. I still get pulled out of bed by some type of anxiety or withdrawal (don't know the difference at this point) but that happened before I quit, I just always saw it as a sign I needed to smoke. I have spoken with other people who quit and it seems to be the same for a couple of them so I'm not worried.

My body is starting to heal, My lungs are starting to hurt… relatively bad, I'm starting to cough and I had a Asthma like attack today; all things I experienced the last time I quit. My heart seems to calming down and beat at semi-normal rates and I'm adjusting.

I suppose one would wonder… Why I would post so much personal information so that the whole world can see it. The fact that I thought I was going to die when my heart seemed like it was stopping (could have stopped?) Is just a sign to people to not start in the first place and quitting and staying a non-smoker is not so hard if you have guidance and a plan to quit. There are numerous organizations as well as a state run program to help you.

I bought myself a one-week anniversary present. They told me one month before I could, but I can use it on my vacation this week so I just had to have it today. It will be paid for in 20 weeks and I have been teetering on getting it for the last couple of years so…. Hee Hee Hee.

Thanks Folks for your suggestions and your support. I will not re-start.
and a hint for my purchase. 18.5 bbl - 45-70-325 ported hee hee.

I had a very good freind pass away from cancer. He never smoked never drank too much, he just worked on cars since 1957 to 2005. He passed away just before thanksgiving 2005 and never made it to retirement scheduled just after the change of year because he was only 64. I watched him struggling to breathe and scolded the nurses for not giving him his morphine when they were supposed to too. I will always have a chance going like that, I have been in bad situations and environments that re-inforce that fact. We all have to go and can't always pick the way, but I really don't want to go like that. This is just an effort to avoid that, It's all I can do.

Last edited by jbird22cal on Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

#22: Re: To stop smking Author: jbird22calLocation: Baraboo, WI PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:04 pm

I don't know if your a spiritual or religious fella. But you are in my prayers guy. Good luck to you, may you be able to enjoy every minute you have.

#23: Re: To stop smking Author: 1895ssLocation: Not Here...!! PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:55 pm
I'm sorry to hear that Popgun. My brother had colon cancer and they operated 10 years ago, got it all and now it's back in areas close.
I wish you all the best........ Good Luck!

#24: Re: To stop smking Author: PaulSLocation: South-Eastern Washington - the State PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:28 am
When I quit twenty years ago, every time I felt like having a cigarette I would go for a walk. I walked away from the house until I got tired then I would turn around and go back home.
I never had any withdrawal symptems though - just had to replace the habit of smoking with something that was good for me.

#25: Re: To stop smking Author: popgunLocation: Mitchell, GA, U.S.A. (2007 pop. 191) PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:18 pm
jbird22cal wrote:
I don't know if your a spiritual or religious fella. But you are in my prayers guy. Good luck to you, may you be able to enjoy every minute you have.

I am both and I thank everyone for the prayers and kind thoughts. I have said it allot lately, I will take any little miracle that comes my way even if it is only one more minute, hour, day, week, or month to be with my family and friends. I am doing exactly what you say, I'm enjoying every minute of the life I have left.

Now that the cat is out of the bag lets just forget my problems and get back to the fun shooting stuff! Very Happy

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