
2004 4x3 Archery Mule Deer-1005 viewsHere is my first ever archery deer taken opening morning in central Utah. It was shot at 20 yards.

2004 4x3 Archery Mule Deer-926 viewsAnother angle

2004 4x3 Archery Mule Deer-1420 viewsAnd another pict, this time with my boy who was again as excited as ever to get to go hunting.

2004 Cow elk-1677 viewsShot last weekend of rifle deer season at 380 yards with my 7STW using Remington Safari Grade ammo.

2004 Cow Elk-1097 viewsHeres another pict with my 4yr old boy who was incredibly excited to go elk hunting.

Wifes 2004 4x4 Mule Deer-1049 viewsShot 2nd day into the season in central Utah with her 30-06.

Wifes 2004 4x4 Mule Deer-1038 viewsAnother View

Wifes 2004 4x4 Mule Deer-1264 viewsAnd a final view